(Works in progress, visual sketches & responses on the peoples and landscapes of 

“The landscape of Somerset has been inhabited by Man for nearly 10,000 years. The landscape has been shaped by by unseen political, social and economic forces from the time of the Ancients and Celts to the  Romans and beyond. The region is awash with memory, reminders and scars.

This body of work documents the social and physical landscape and the intertwined historical and folkloric fabric of Somerset and it’s inhabitants historical relationship with the land. A landscape of layers, history and ritual that exist within the vast hinterlands of the urban centres.

Somerset is a region founded on and dissected by stone and water, elements that have forged fortunes, promised healing and brought ruin.”




Ⅰ.   Dairy House Farm, Rural Homeless Shelter, Chilcompton, 2019
Ⅰ.  Kitty & Edgar, Warleigh Wier, Bath, 2018
ⅠⅠⅠ. Warleigh Weir, Bath, 2017
Ⅳ. Curse tablet to Sulis Minerva, Bath, 2018 .
V.   The Royal Mineral Hospital, Hydrotherapy Room, 2018.



“Time, Trieth, Troth” is the Latin motto of Somerset that runs below the rampaging Dragon on the coat of arms, translated it reads “Time will tell how trustworthy you are”. The longer I have lived  here the more of the landscape I’ve explored, from the hinterlands around the conurbations, to the long, winding paths that meander through meadow, wood and rock. I have felt the folklore, the rebellion, and the mystery that lies beneath the ground and in the air as I walk countless miles, recording images of memories long past and fleeting moments hidden in the landscape.

The variation of people that I have encountered  From the well healed, the unfortunate and the anarchic all participate in the habitual rhythm of life that has gone on interrupted for thousands of years.The longer I spend here the more of this song is exposed.

What lies in and on the ground has always, and will always impact the stories and the narratives, the fortunes and the failures of the people that inhabit this land. Moving forwards the cycle will repeat and fortune will be found again for many. This is a continuing project, an exploration, a attempt to find myself as well as my childrens and families roots.


“My home is close to the Mendip hills which snake their way through rural Somerset, from the Bristol channel in the west to the Salisbury planes in the east. My family is rooted in this landscape, they have grown from the gifts that lay beneath the surface. For centuries the limestone of the Mendips has been quarried to forge the cities of Bath and Bristol leaving cavernous scars on the landscape. The quarrying of limestone has been a traditional industry for centuries. This Geology has been a gift for the population. Alongside agriculture, quarrying limestone and coal mining has sustained rural communities for centuries. In the post-industrial age, the area has struggled to sustain its population and economy, in part to the closure of the Somerset coal fields with the last coal pit closing in 1974, the surviving quarries have been a lifeline. The quarries that scar the landscape are located within a triangle of towns, to the west Shepton Mallet, the north Norton Radstock and to the east the market town of Frome. Employing over two thousand people and producing over five million tons of stone a year they hold together generations of rural working-class communities that have existed in the area for centuries.”



VⅠ.   Moon Hill Quarry, Stoke St Michael, 2019
VⅠⅠ.  Cameron, Norton Radstock Amateur Boxing Club, 2019
VⅠⅠⅠ. Ben, Norton Radstock Amateur Boxing Club, 2019 VX.   Jake, Norton Radstock Amateur Boxing Club, 2019
X.    “Sulis” Hot Spring, Bath, 2018
XI.    Flood defences, Freshford, 2018



“I’ve never quite felt at home in Somerset, always feeling like something of an outsider and I don’t mean in the cities. In the cities of Bath and Bristol I I feel like I can navigate the cultural and physical space with ease. This is due to my upbringing and the cultural parallels that can be drawn from the sprawling veins of London. Once you venture out of the centres towards the edges you encounter the mysterious hinterlands that give way to vast fields, small villages, Union Jacks, Anarchist comunes, Witches and Wizards, Saint George crosses, hard hands, exuberent wealth, grinding poverty . A strange microcoms of identities. This is a strange place. I am bound to this place through marriage and now through blood, although I don’t feel at home I do always feel welcome.

The people I meet might not always understand me, and I them, but they are always eager to welcome, eager to share and eager to show. This seems to be the way past down through generations. In someways, the more I work and poke and prod at the surface the less I understand what lies beneath my feet what stories have unravelled along the paths I tread and the villages that I move through. it is this that keeps me coming back, the mysterious journey the unknown places the unquantifiable potential. How do I try to understand the place I now call home?”




XII.    Paulton Batch, Paulton, 2019
XIII.   Idris, Bathampton Morris Men, Beckington, 2017
XIV.   Reg, Bathampton Morris Men, Beckington, 2017 XVI.   Remains & mock up of a Syrian Trader (200-300AD), Bath, 2018
XVII.  Bathampton Camp (site of a Neolithic settlement,)  Bathampton, 2018



“I try to understand the intertwining nature of landscape, class and culture that make up rural communities. The rural idyll was presented to me at school as rolling fields and freedom, it was an area I could move through, never stopping to find connection with what lay beneath my feet.

When my Daughter was born the connection to my new home was forged, she was half me, half my Wife. My Wifes Father toiled in the quarries,  her Mother cared for the most vulnerable in the surrounding rural communities. Her childhood was free and wide ranging but no less complex than my own in the rolling roads and estates of North London.

Watching my children grow up in the same fields and lanes as my Wife has made me curious, I have tried to look deeper, to understand the land, it’s history and the generations before my own children that where so tied to this place.”




XVIII.  River Frome, Freshford, 2017
XIX.    Pete, University of Bath Reasearch Site, 2017
XX.     Site of Roman stone works, Kingsdown, 2018
XXI.    Roman reenactor, Bath, 2018
XXII.   Wellow Brook, Norton Radstock, 2020









XXIII.     Rockaway , Temple Cloud, 2021
XXIV.      Peasedown St John, 2021
XXV.       Philip Hawthorn, Charlcombe, 2018
XXVI.      Abolishing the police, Temple Cloud, 2021
XXVII.     Rockaway, Temple Cloud, 2021




(Time will tell how trustworthy you are)

Somerset Motto





XXVIII.  Kennet & Avon Canal, Bath, 2017
XXIX.    Swimmers, University of Bath, 2017
XXX.     Hot Spring, Roman Baths, Bath 2018
XXXI..   The Hare Warren, Wellow, 2021
XXII.      Little Solsbury Hill, Batheaston, 2016
XXXIII.   Rosie Lee, Temple Cloud, 2021

“The City of Bath was built upon the Roman temple complex of Aquae Sulis. Founded in 60 AD on the site of a sacred hot spring and Celtic shrine to the Mother Goddess Sulis, an ancient deity that brought fertility, life, fortune and vengeance. Offerings have been made to Sulis for thousands of years, this ritual continues to this day with tourists and residents throwing money and offerings into the spring to appease Sulis and bring good fortune.”






“Many of the market towns that scatter the landscape of Somerset where founded off the riches that lay beneath the ground, Coal, Andesite, Limestone. Norton Radstock, Midsomer Norton, Paulton all built alongside the economic arteries of canals and railways. The vast wealth these resources provided for land owners built the cities of Bath & Bristol as the riches found beneath the ground flowed fueling the Industrial revolution.

As the demand for these materials declined many towns and communities slowly slumped. A malaise set in. The husks of once flourishing working class communities now remain with little oppurtunities for the young. Many move away or travel to near by Bristol or Bath for work and opportunities.”


XXXIV.     Somerset Coal Canal, Combe Hay, 2020
XXXV.       Tom & Wendy, Folly Bridge, Bathampton, 2017
XXXVI.    Homeless Camp, Kennet & Avon Canal, Dundas, 2017 XXXVII.   Leigh On Mendip, 2020
XXXVIII.  Pipe Organ, Bath & West Showground, Shepton Mallet, 2021XXXIX.     Chris, Nunney Street Fair, Nunney, 2019







XL.    Homeless Camp, Batheaston, 2016
XLI.   Rowdy, Temple Cloud,
XLII.   Stone Archive, Roman Baths, 2017
XLIII.  Stoney Littleton, Wellow, 2021
XLIV.  Whatley Quarry, Whatley, 2017


“In Somerset they guide the plough
From early dawn till twilight now.
The good red earth smells sweeter yet,
Behind the plough, in Somerset.
The celandines round last year's mow
Blaze out . . . and with his old-time vow
The South Wind woos the Violet,
In Somerset.

“In Somerset, Fay Inchwarn”



XLV.    Percy & Harry, Bath & West Showground, 2020
XLVI.   Dairy House, Stratton on the Fosse, 2017
XLVII.   Simon, Rockaway Park, Temple Cloud, 2020 XLVIII.   Caravan, Temple Coud, 2020


